Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kids and Exercise: How much is enough?

At some point in the beginning of my fitness unit, I ask my students how much time they should spend exercising every day to keep their body fit and strong. As one could imagine, I get all sorts of answers! When I finally reveal the answer, I sometimes see shocked looks or hear gasps. Our discussion then turns to what kind of exercise makes up for that time.  We talk about climbing the monkey bars out on the playground during recess, riding our bikes after school, playing tag with a neighbor, or even walking to school.  Most students then realize, maybe they aren't so far from that number of minutes.

This week I want to ask my readers....

How much physical activity do children need?

Find out the answer here!


  1. I think exercise is extremely important for our children. It seems that there isn't much activity performed outside of school like there used to be. Recess is not only important for taking a mental break, but it is also an opportunity to have fun and exercise. I have several students who choose to just sit around and talk, which is great that they are socializing, but they just don't get that amount of activity they need.

    1. Nathan,
      It is sad to see my 5th graders outside for recess, as they also just sit around and talk for the most part. This coming school year I wanted to figure out something that would motivate them to move outside. Something like this I think could work:
      Of course I would have to get the classroom teachers on board!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like that you have the discussion with your students about what they already do that's physical activity and how they could add more minutes to their physical activity each day. Especially for kids who are uncomfortable with their appearance or physical activity in general, it's important that we not only promote an active lifestyle, but we also need to give advice on how to do it. It's one thing to tell a student, "Go, be active." It's another thing to have a discussion about how to do it.

    1. Absolutely, Tyler! I think the more ideas they hear the better!

  4. Hi Casey,

    I said 60 was I correct? hahahah. A recent community meeting announced that Play60 (the partnership with the NFL and keeping kids active) would be visitng with our local elementary school. During the meeting I heard similar concerns about recess being more social than active as you've mentioned above. Good Stuff.

  5. Jason,
    Yes! 60 minutes it is. I would LOVE Play60 to visit our school. I have inquired about it and haven't received feedback yet. Consider your school lucky! - Casey
